That’s One Dark, Gloomy Spring!

I realized the other day that I have been so preoccupied with things like, you know, money and bills and moving on a shoestring budget that I had completely let reading you all’s blogs fall completely off my radar.

But I imagine you won’t hold it against me as I am seriously trying to pull off a move with nonexistent funds.

Wish me luck!

In any case, I hope you all are still out there reading, and I hope you enjoy this week’s tarot cards for inspiration and May’s horrorscopes!

(I’ve narrowed it down to two places, although I had an inquiring phone call from a potential employer with some leads that I’m hoping against hope come about–because it sounds like a dream come true! *crosses fingers*)

I hope all is well with you, and I hope you have some great summer activities planned!

I Got Nothing…or “Nothing” Has Me.

Yeah, I couldn’t really summon up a better blog header.

I am moving…AGAIN. 

I’m not sure where, and I’m so preoccupied. Apologies for missing out on all your great posts that I haven’t been able to keep up with blog-reading.

And you know what? I went into my WordPress and saw this “Pending” tab, and I said to myself “Maybe I should check that out” and there was a whole slew of comments in there that weren’t all spam, but actual comments I hadn’t approved. Arrgh, I am so off my Virgo-organized game. Sigh. 

I hope I get back on track, but I just can’t seem to catch my breath and get settled. I can’t even call it the COVID effect anymore, I suppose, but I just am all topsy-turvy still. EVERYTHING seems to be falling by the wayside, and my teaching job/move to Santa Fe is not working out like I hoped.

I’m just gonna stress this again….I am ALL OVER the place, above and beyond my usual ADHD state. 

I did manage to do my April horrorscopes and tarot-card-reading-for-creative-inspiration, so I hope you all are still out there and following!

Oh, and courtesy of my spooky colleague over at Haunt Jaunts (Hi Courtney! *waves*), who sent me a link about a town here, which was linked to another list, which led me to a small town in Illinois that has an annual Vulture Fest (I love Vultures)!

Soooo, long story short, I’ve added that to my list of places (Makanda/Carbondale, Illinois and Hot Springs, Arkansas) to head off to. I’m resuming my original plan to hopscotch across the country (I don’t have the $$ for a complete move), exploring places I’ve had an interest in for a while, until I land in the New England area. (I’m open to suggestions and advice about other places to check out, as always!)


Oh, and if you want to say “hey” to Courtney yourself, fly on over to their website and their YouTube channel:


See you after I (hopefully) land somewhere new! 


All’s Fair in Love and Noir!

So, yes, I have been as incognito as a Cold War spy, but work and school have been hectic as my school semesters are going into the “final project” mode!

I hope you enjoy February’s horrorscopes and inspirational tarot card readings! Head down that dark alley at Horror Tree!

Love in the Time of Noir:

February 2024 Tarot Card Reading:

Punch in 2024 with a “24-Hour” Book Review!

I kicked off 2024 with a new job…teaching!

Between that and working towards not one, but two, college degrees, and keeping my business going and blogging and (trying to) write, it does feel like I’m putting in 24-hour shifts.

Speaking of 24-hour shifts, I ironically reviewed a book titled Twenty-Four-Hour Shift: Dark Tales from on and off the Clock by Cecilia Kennedy and put out by Dark Winter Press.

The short stories are perfect for reading while you’re on break from work!

Hope you get to read lots of great books in 2024!

Catching up on Catching up on….well, all the catch-up!

Hey all and sundry!

I’ve landed in New Mexico, and, while there’s been some emotional ups and downs, I’m here, I’m working, and I’m staying on top of things (mostly). I’ve got a lot to catch up on, but I’m hoping to be trickling back into blog reading and interactions and whatnot, but it’ll still take time (and the holiday/winter season madness is already almost upon us).

I’m still hoping for a holiday miracle to come through today for a certain situation because time’s running out, so all my peeps with magical powers, put them out there for a wonderful resolution for ones that are close to my heart right now. It’s sorely needed, and I’m wishing on stars and 11:11 and crossing fingers for an impossible miracle too!

Have a lovely weekend!

C.M. Saunders Guest Post: Ben Shivers and Mr. Trimble

Wretched Bones small

My new novel, The Wretched Bones: A Ben Shivers Mystery, has just been released on Midnight Machinations, an imprint of Grinning Skull Press. Though written as a standalone, it’s the first in a planned series following PI (Paranormal Investigator) Ben Shivers as he drives around the country in a vintage camper van solving mysteries with his cat, Mr. Trimble, for company. Just to clarify, in the book Mr. Trimble doesn’t do much other than prance around with his tail sticking in the air lording it over his human and yelling for food. Sorry to disappoint. He can’t talk or do tricks or anything. I thought about giving him the power of speech, but that would’ve just been too weird. Even for me. Besides, the only ‘voice’ I think would fit this particular cat would be a spoiled little bastard with an emperor complex. Because, let’s face it, most cats are. I’m not sure where the name Mr. Trimble came from. I just thought it suited him. The only ‘Trimble’ I’ve ever known in real-life was a jovial Irish barman I once worked a bar with when I was a student.


Ben Shivers is a complex individual. People say we paint our characters as a reflection of ourselves and the people we know, which always makes me think of God creating man ‘in his own image.’ The analogy works because writers are the gods of the worlds they create. They have complete control over every thought, action, and reaction. In a world that’s slipping away from us, that’s reassuring. Ben used to be a journalist on a rock magazine in London, before relocating to the Hampshire countryside with his wife Louise and daughter Amy. Without giving too much away, the idyllic existence doesn’t last, and Ben soon finds himself divorced and living in a camper van. He spends his time looking for meaning in a world he increasingly feels ostracized from.

I started writing the book in 2019, when I lived in Guangzhou, China. That spring was a weird time for me. One of my friends from home committed suicide, and at the time I was dating a girl who had manic depression. She talked about ending it a lot, and was on all kinds of medication. I was haunted by what had happened with my friend. He talked about suicide a lot, too. Nobody thought he would ever go through with it. Until he did.  I always think I could have done more. To try to make amends I tried my utmost to help this girl I was dating any way I could, but you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. Our relationship was toxic, and destructive in a lot of ways. Predictably enough we broke up after a few months. The only saving grace was that she didn’t care enough about me for a little thing like that to push her over the edge. Four years on, she’s still here.


A few days after our relationship imploded, I was walking through the city centre contemplating how fucked my life was when I heard a noise in the bushes next to the road. I investigated, and found a tiny kitten which had been abandoned. It was so weak it could barely walk. Not knowing what else to do, I took it to the nearest vet. After an examination, they said the kitten was dangerously dehydrated and malnourished. Not only that, but had contracted pneumonia, a nasty eye infection, and a bad case of fleas. All things considered, the prognosis wasn’t good and the vet gave it a mere 30% chance of survival. I paid for a week’s treatment thinking that if it was going to die, at least it could spend its last days in relative comfort. However, defying all the odds, the kitten got better and a week later, I was able to take it home. I wasn’t expecting that. I named it Dian Dian, Mandarin for ‘Little Little.’


In the years since I have come to appreciate the role cats play in the lives of many, many writers. On a daily basis, my social media feed is full of people talking about either their books, horror movies, or their cats. Occasionally I get an ad for a dating app or something, but generally speaking that’s it. They often say cats choose their humans rather than vice versa, and I firmly believe the universe sent Dian Dian to me for a reason. He brought balance to my life, gave me something to care about apart from myself, and taught me how to be more responsible. I wasn’t able to help my friend, or my ex, but I could help this little ball of fur, and I did. For his part, he provided the inspiration for Mr. Trimble, and I transplanted his origin story into The Wretched Bones.

The Wretched Bones: A Ben Shivers Mystery is out now on Midnight Machinations, an imprint of Grinning Skull Press.

Dian Dian hard at work
Dian Dian hard at work.

Staging One’s Own Demise…Time to Exit Stage Left!

It’s Autumn, finally, here! It went from 98/100 degrees to a frost advisory and frost on my car this morning!

There’s no better time to head indoors and see a play…or even better, star in one!

Check out my spotlight-grabbing horoscopes I’m presenting for October!

And check out my even more award-winning (well, the book probably is, anyway) review of The Dead Take the A Train:

(Because you’ll need something terrifying to read as you take the train home from the show, right?)

Weary Wednesday…wait, where did Wednesday go?

I’m down to the last couple of weeks for my first class in my MPS program.

I’m down to the last couple of weeks of moving/relocation prep.

I’m down to the last handful of content pieces I’m writing for Horror Tree.

Am I weary?


So, yeah, I don’t think I’ll even be able to be on here even sporadically to read blogs and such for the next couple of weeks.

But I’ve got some good book reviews coming up at Horror Tree…and don’t forget to check out my October horrorscopes and my tarot card reading. (Please?)

And here’s my autumn equinox post. Enjoy!

See you on the flip side!

(Goodbye, Kansas…finally!)

Pirates and Other Rebels!

Guess what day it is tomorrow!

Yes, it’s the long awaited “Talk Like a Pirate Day”!

I hope you have lots of fun pillaging…or rum drinking…tomorrow!

I’m still caught up in moving and taking care of the cat horde and school and more school (in a different program)…so, yep, going for two degrees! Ack!…and trying to find work and so much more!

Sorry-not-sorry for all the exclamation points!

But I am sorry that I haven’t had the time I usually do to read all your great blogs, but I hope you stick around during this time, as I’m trying my best to keep up with yours.

And, if you want, check out my reviews over at Horror Tree. I especially liked reading The Citadel of Bureaucracy–speaking of nonconformists. Well, depending on the roll of your dice, that is!