That’s One Dark, Gloomy Spring!

I realized the other day that I have been so preoccupied with things like, you know, money and bills and moving on a shoestring budget that I had completely let reading you all’s blogs fall completely off my radar.

But I imagine you won’t hold it against me as I am seriously trying to pull off a move with nonexistent funds.

Wish me luck!

In any case, I hope you all are still out there reading, and I hope you enjoy this week’s tarot cards for inspiration and May’s horrorscopes!

(I’ve narrowed it down to two places, although I had an inquiring phone call from a potential employer with some leads that I’m hoping against hope come about–because it sounds like a dream come true! *crosses fingers*)

I hope all is well with you, and I hope you have some great summer activities planned!

I Got Nothing…or “Nothing” Has Me.

Yeah, I couldn’t really summon up a better blog header.

I am moving…AGAIN. 

I’m not sure where, and I’m so preoccupied. Apologies for missing out on all your great posts that I haven’t been able to keep up with blog-reading.

And you know what? I went into my WordPress and saw this “Pending” tab, and I said to myself “Maybe I should check that out” and there was a whole slew of comments in there that weren’t all spam, but actual comments I hadn’t approved. Arrgh, I am so off my Virgo-organized game. Sigh. 

I hope I get back on track, but I just can’t seem to catch my breath and get settled. I can’t even call it the COVID effect anymore, I suppose, but I just am all topsy-turvy still. EVERYTHING seems to be falling by the wayside, and my teaching job/move to Santa Fe is not working out like I hoped.

I’m just gonna stress this again….I am ALL OVER the place, above and beyond my usual ADHD state. 

I did manage to do my April horrorscopes and tarot-card-reading-for-creative-inspiration, so I hope you all are still out there and following!

Oh, and courtesy of my spooky colleague over at Haunt Jaunts (Hi Courtney! *waves*), who sent me a link about a town here, which was linked to another list, which led me to a small town in Illinois that has an annual Vulture Fest (I love Vultures)!

Soooo, long story short, I’ve added that to my list of places (Makanda/Carbondale, Illinois and Hot Springs, Arkansas) to head off to. I’m resuming my original plan to hopscotch across the country (I don’t have the $$ for a complete move), exploring places I’ve had an interest in for a while, until I land in the New England area. (I’m open to suggestions and advice about other places to check out, as always!)


Oh, and if you want to say “hey” to Courtney yourself, fly on over to their website and their YouTube channel:


See you after I (hopefully) land somewhere new! 


All’s Fair in Love and Noir!

So, yes, I have been as incognito as a Cold War spy, but work and school have been hectic as my school semesters are going into the “final project” mode!

I hope you enjoy February’s horrorscopes and inspirational tarot card readings! Head down that dark alley at Horror Tree!

Love in the Time of Noir:

February 2024 Tarot Card Reading:

Staging One’s Own Demise…Time to Exit Stage Left!

It’s Autumn, finally, here! It went from 98/100 degrees to a frost advisory and frost on my car this morning!

There’s no better time to head indoors and see a play…or even better, star in one!

Check out my spotlight-grabbing horoscopes I’m presenting for October!

And check out my even more award-winning (well, the book probably is, anyway) review of The Dead Take the A Train:

(Because you’ll need something terrifying to read as you take the train home from the show, right?)

Weary Wednesday…wait, where did Wednesday go?

I’m down to the last couple of weeks for my first class in my MPS program.

I’m down to the last couple of weeks of moving/relocation prep.

I’m down to the last handful of content pieces I’m writing for Horror Tree.

Am I weary?


So, yeah, I don’t think I’ll even be able to be on here even sporadically to read blogs and such for the next couple of weeks.

But I’ve got some good book reviews coming up at Horror Tree…and don’t forget to check out my October horrorscopes and my tarot card reading. (Please?)

And here’s my autumn equinox post. Enjoy!

See you on the flip side!

(Goodbye, Kansas…finally!)

It’s back to school we go!

Even if you’re not actually going back to school, you can make believe you’ll be in attendance with the best and the brightest…or the most evil and depraved!

Learn what your fate will be at the posh private academy of your dreams…

I’m still trying to find ways to flee the state of Kansas to a safer, supportive, inclusive locale, but it’s slow going.

What’s going good (or so I think) is my first week(s) of my latest academic endeavor! The assignments are quite challenging, but fascinating.

Aside from that, things are pretty dreary in my part of the world, but I’d love to hear about all ya’ll’s quirky adventures.

Horrorscopes, Heartbreak, and Horrifying Book Reviews

One of the most difficult parts of living in small-town Kansas is dealing with the overall attitudes here towards the nonhuman animals we share our world with.

I have been trying to help animals since I moved here, and every day is a new level of heartbreak and agony.

It hurts me more than I can possibly describe to bear witness to the things that go on here.

I used to think I was pretty resilient, but most days I worry about even getting through the day. I keep trying to fight for the animals here, especially the cats. But to say things are rough going is an understatement. It feels like a living hell–for animals and the people that care about them and their welfare. And I say that even after my experience in working with animals and animal rescue back in my hometown, and getting up close and personal with the ways people mistreat animals.

My experience residing in my current locale has definitely the stuff of “real-life horror” where animals are concerned, I tell ya.

This weekend was especially hard in regards to local animals, so I’m still not as present in the blogsphere as I usually try to be.

I did start a citizens’ advocacy discussion group for animals, and I got interviewed by the local paper (it should be coming out soon, and maybe if I feel brave enough, I’ll post the link in the comments), and I’m attempting to get an item on the agenda at the local city commission meeting. I’d like to help my fellow animal advocates that have joined the group start a nonprofit to have an official platform from which to launch the ideas we’ve been discussing, but that’s a little ways off. 

In other, lighter news, August’s horrorscopes and the tarot reading for writing inspiration are up over at Horror Tree.

And I’m still taking a stab at writing reviews over there…hopefully they aren’t too horrifying!

Book Reviews (I’m still kinda new at this):

I hope everybody’s weekend is fabulously spooky!

Beware the Beach!

And not just because of the higher temperatures!

July’s horrorscopes promise to drag you down to the depths of pure zodiac terror…

And, slightly less terrifying is my tarot card reading for writers/creatives:

In other news, I’ve started doing book reviews for The Horror Tree. Simply search the HT website for “Epeolatry Book Review” to access tons of great book reviews from myself and others–a perfect opportunity to find your next summer (or midwinter) read!

Lastly, I may be more of a ghost around the WordPress world, at least while I transition into a new schedule (and, perhaps, even after that).

I’ll be working full time, going back to school full time, and making sure my kitties get enough attention (not that they’d let me forget!), and I’m trying to organize a concerned citizen advocacy group here to act on behalf of nonhuman animals here in small-town Kansas–with the hope it will turn into a nonprofit someday. Because this place has an abysmal track record when it comes to animals and animal welfare–as some of you may remember from the heartbreaking owl incident.

So, yes, apologies in advance if I’m not as active over the coming months on here as I should be.

Summer is Abuzz with Horror!

One of the few things I actually like about summer (I’m an autumn aficionado!) is the return of the insects and other creepy crawly life forms.

For the set of June horoscopes I did over at Horror Tree, I wanted to attract attention to insects that are threatened/endangered by the activities of people.

Hope you enjoy, and remember to look where you step…there’s a whole world of amazing lifeforms at your feet!

As I’ve been trying to figure a lot of stuff out over the past few weeks, I drew upon that energy for June’s tarot reading as well.

I’m sadly still playing catch-up and not quite back into my usual schedule yet, and 99.9% of the time I’m not even sure what day it is, much less anything else. But I’m making progress, however slowly.

What are your summer plans? Reading anything good so far?

Getting Away From It All…From the Comfort of Home!

Let’s settle down in the comfort of our (dream) homes, or find the gateway to the world of our dreams!

[I started a new day job, but somehow things are more chaotic than ever. I’m running behind on blog-reading and such, and, unfortunately, my prediction is that’ll have to continue for the next couple of weeks, as there’s some big changes (hopefully!) coming over the next few weeks. And, holy heck, am I tired as all get out. I’m gettin’ too old for that pesky thing called work! Ha!]

But here’s my “Tarot Cards for Inspiration” for April…as well as my mock horoscopes!

I’d love to hear what dream home you’ll lay your pen in!