I Got Nothing…or “Nothing” Has Me.

Yeah, I couldn’t really summon up a better blog header.

I am moving…AGAIN. 

I’m not sure where, and I’m so preoccupied. Apologies for missing out on all your great posts that I haven’t been able to keep up with blog-reading.

And you know what? I went into my WordPress and saw this “Pending” tab, and I said to myself “Maybe I should check that out” and there was a whole slew of comments in there that weren’t all spam, but actual comments I hadn’t approved. Arrgh, I am so off my Virgo-organized game. Sigh. 

I hope I get back on track, but I just can’t seem to catch my breath and get settled. I can’t even call it the COVID effect anymore, I suppose, but I just am all topsy-turvy still. EVERYTHING seems to be falling by the wayside, and my teaching job/move to Santa Fe is not working out like I hoped.

I’m just gonna stress this again….I am ALL OVER the place, above and beyond my usual ADHD state. 

I did manage to do my April horrorscopes and tarot-card-reading-for-creative-inspiration, so I hope you all are still out there and following! 



Oh, and courtesy of my spooky colleague over at Haunt Jaunts (Hi Courtney! *waves*), who sent me a link about a town here, which was linked to another list, which led me to a small town in Illinois that has an annual Vulture Fest (I love Vultures)!   


Soooo, long story short, I’ve added that to my list of places (Makanda/Carbondale, Illinois and Hot Springs, Arkansas) to head off to. I’m resuming my original plan to hopscotch across the country (I don’t have the $$ for a complete move), exploring places I’ve had an interest in for a while, until I land in the New England area. (I’m open to suggestions and advice about other places to check out, as always!)


Oh, and if you want to say “hey” to Courtney yourself, fly on over to their website and their YouTube channel:




See you after I (hopefully) land somewhere new! 


Weary Wednesday…wait, where did Wednesday go?

I’m down to the last couple of weeks for my first class in my MPS program.

I’m down to the last couple of weeks of moving/relocation prep.

I’m down to the last handful of content pieces I’m writing for Horror Tree.

Am I weary?


So, yeah, I don’t think I’ll even be able to be on here even sporadically to read blogs and such for the next couple of weeks.

But I’ve got some good book reviews coming up at Horror Tree…and don’t forget to check out my October horrorscopes and my tarot card reading. (Please?)

And here’s my autumn equinox post. Enjoy!


See you on the flip side!

(Goodbye, Kansas…finally!)

Pirates and Other Rebels!

Guess what day it is tomorrow!

Yes, it’s the long awaited “Talk Like a Pirate Day”! http://talklikeapirate.com/wordpress/

I hope you have lots of fun pillaging…or rum drinking…tomorrow!

I’m still caught up in moving and taking care of the cat horde and school and more school (in a different program)…so, yep, going for two degrees! Ack!…and trying to find work and so much more!

Sorry-not-sorry for all the exclamation points!

But I am sorry that I haven’t had the time I usually do to read all your great blogs, but I hope you stick around during this time, as I’m trying my best to keep up with yours.

And, if you want, check out my reviews over at Horror Tree. I especially liked reading The Citadel of Bureaucracy–speaking of nonconformists. Well, depending on the roll of your dice, that is!
