That’s One Dark, Gloomy Spring!

I realized the other day that I have been so preoccupied with things like, you know, money and bills and moving on a shoestring budget that I had completely let reading you all’s blogs fall completely off my radar.

But I imagine you won’t hold it against me as I am seriously trying to pull off a move with nonexistent funds.

Wish me luck!

In any case, I hope you all are still out there reading, and I hope you enjoy this week’s tarot cards for inspiration and May’s horrorscopes!

(I’ve narrowed it down to two places, although I had an inquiring phone call from a potential employer with some leads that I’m hoping against hope come about–because it sounds like a dream come true! *crosses fingers*)

I hope all is well with you, and I hope you have some great summer activities planned!

I Got Nothing…or “Nothing” Has Me.

Yeah, I couldn’t really summon up a better blog header.

I am moving…AGAIN. 

I’m not sure where, and I’m so preoccupied. Apologies for missing out on all your great posts that I haven’t been able to keep up with blog-reading.

And you know what? I went into my WordPress and saw this “Pending” tab, and I said to myself “Maybe I should check that out” and there was a whole slew of comments in there that weren’t all spam, but actual comments I hadn’t approved. Arrgh, I am so off my Virgo-organized game. Sigh. 

I hope I get back on track, but I just can’t seem to catch my breath and get settled. I can’t even call it the COVID effect anymore, I suppose, but I just am all topsy-turvy still. EVERYTHING seems to be falling by the wayside, and my teaching job/move to Santa Fe is not working out like I hoped.

I’m just gonna stress this again….I am ALL OVER the place, above and beyond my usual ADHD state. 

I did manage to do my April horrorscopes and tarot-card-reading-for-creative-inspiration, so I hope you all are still out there and following!

Oh, and courtesy of my spooky colleague over at Haunt Jaunts (Hi Courtney! *waves*), who sent me a link about a town here, which was linked to another list, which led me to a small town in Illinois that has an annual Vulture Fest (I love Vultures)!

Soooo, long story short, I’ve added that to my list of places (Makanda/Carbondale, Illinois and Hot Springs, Arkansas) to head off to. I’m resuming my original plan to hopscotch across the country (I don’t have the $$ for a complete move), exploring places I’ve had an interest in for a while, until I land in the New England area. (I’m open to suggestions and advice about other places to check out, as always!)


Oh, and if you want to say “hey” to Courtney yourself, fly on over to their website and their YouTube channel:


See you after I (hopefully) land somewhere new! 


All’s Fair in Love and Noir!

So, yes, I have been as incognito as a Cold War spy, but work and school have been hectic as my school semesters are going into the “final project” mode!

I hope you enjoy February’s horrorscopes and inspirational tarot card readings! Head down that dark alley at Horror Tree!

Love in the Time of Noir:

February 2024 Tarot Card Reading:

Summer is Abuzz with Horror!

One of the few things I actually like about summer (I’m an autumn aficionado!) is the return of the insects and other creepy crawly life forms.

For the set of June horoscopes I did over at Horror Tree, I wanted to attract attention to insects that are threatened/endangered by the activities of people.

Hope you enjoy, and remember to look where you step…there’s a whole world of amazing lifeforms at your feet!

As I’ve been trying to figure a lot of stuff out over the past few weeks, I drew upon that energy for June’s tarot reading as well.

I’m sadly still playing catch-up and not quite back into my usual schedule yet, and 99.9% of the time I’m not even sure what day it is, much less anything else. But I’m making progress, however slowly.

What are your summer plans? Reading anything good so far?

Getting Away From It All…From the Comfort of Home!

Let’s settle down in the comfort of our (dream) homes, or find the gateway to the world of our dreams!

[I started a new day job, but somehow things are more chaotic than ever. I’m running behind on blog-reading and such, and, unfortunately, my prediction is that’ll have to continue for the next couple of weeks, as there’s some big changes (hopefully!) coming over the next few weeks. And, holy heck, am I tired as all get out. I’m gettin’ too old for that pesky thing called work! Ha!]

But here’s my “Tarot Cards for Inspiration” for April…as well as my mock horoscopes!

I’d love to hear what dream home you’ll lay your pen in!

The Glowing Neon of Spring!

Rabbit Book

It’s been a busy week,  so this’ll be short and sweet. My “Cultivating Inspiration” post is up over at Horror Tree in all its (neon!) glory!

Go get creative, and Happy Spring Equinox, everybody! (If you’re in Fall Equinox mode where you are, feel free to search Horror Tree for the post I did last year).

Oh, and it’s World Rewilding Day, so go out and make things Wild again!

Give the Groundhog Lots of Love Today!


Happy Groundhog Day! Doesn’t this groundhog look adorable? Or at least in need of a hug*!

Speaking of affection, you don’t have to wait another six months for the “romantic” holiday known as Valentine’s Day (Or Galentine’s Day)!

So, yes, I did create some lovey-dovey themed horoscopes, and did a tarot card reading…Horror Tree style, of course!

Hope you enjoy–with one click, and a happily-ever-after can be yours…or for your literary characters!



How will you be celebrating Groundhog Day or Valentine’s Day in your realm?

*Giving random wildlife hugs is not a good idea, in real life. Just in case.

Lollygagging into 2023…

Photo Courtesy of

Recently, I wrote an article over on LinkedIn about how 2023 could be the year of the slowdown (in a proactive way). I’m not slowing down much myself, but I am taking some time out here and there for some fun things that don’t really accomplish anything useful. *gasp*

The pressure is on, though, to get the income needed to help me escape what I’m now calling the Nightmare Hell Zone* (and not in a fun way), so I’ve been applying for jobs in brick-and-mortar locations as well as online remote-work locations. One thought I’ve recently had was that I could maybe get a job with a chain and then use that to transfer to another location in the United States, or, perhaps even more wishful-thinking, transfer to a Canadian locale!

Anyway, until I go figure things out (or win the lottery–the HGTV dream home–Travel Channel Sweepstakes), I’m sharing some links for you to stroll through as you, yourselves, meander into 2023.

(Unless, of course, you just want to stop reading here, and go write a snail mail letter or take a day off next week to hang out with your houseplant BFFs. That’s fine too!)

Here’s January’s “Tarot Card Readings for Inspiration”: and their snarky horoscope sidekick:

And if another bomb cyclone is bearing down on you again, check out my “Cultivating Winter Magic” post as well: Who says you can’t go out in style, right?

*Want to exercise your creative muscles? Feel free to share (in the comments) your own wild and wacky names for a terrifying town in rural U.S.A.!

Pretend You’re a Time Traveller Day: Winter Post Redux!

Today is “Pretend You’re a Time Traveller Day”!

(Read more about this fun day, and ways to celebrate, here:

So, what does this have to do with the redux of my post? I realized I’d meant to wait for my other winter-themed post to show up at Horror Tree, but I simply forgot what with all my busy job-hunting-and-geographical-escape madness.

I did add the link to the other post, but just to give it some extra winter sparkle, I’ve included the links below. Just click on the images to travel to another dimension! (Or a festive winter destination to get you into the “spirit”–yes, pun intended!)

(Also, I’ll just insert another shameless plug here–if you’re looking for editorial or other coaching services, or even a tarot reading of your very own, check out my cozy new website!

Winter Magic 2022



Enjoy the Winter Solstice!